GEM has amassed data about several estuarine systems over
the course of the projects it has been involved in. Data are mainly water quality,
bathymetry, and substance distribution maps interpolated from surfaces. Study systems are located in
many parts of the world. Some of these data are available online for
research purposes.
Tagus Estuarine Salt Marshes
Image Database This site contains GEM's
collection of image data for the Tagus estuary and its salt marshes, including estuarine
bathymetry and water quality, remote sensing data, and salt marsh zonation and density.
All images are GIS interpolations of point sampling data. |
GEM has made available information online through the use
of models running in real-time, and according to user requests. This methodology
makes available to the general public some useful resources in oceanography.
On-line Tide Predictor The Oceanus 2000 oceanographic table software has been made available for
on-line use. This version allows the user to create several
oceanographic tables, including gas solubility and tide predictions;
data can be obtained in graphic or table
formats. |
The scientific activity developed within GEM
has led to the publication of papers in refereed journals, by members of the research
group. The full text
of selected recent papers is provided on-line for browsing only; all material is copyrighted by the journal
J. G. Ferreira, A. M. Nobre, T. C. Simas, M. C. Silva, A. Newton, S. B. Bricker, W. J. Wolff, P.E. Stacey, A.
Sequeira, 2005. A methodology for defining homogeneous water bodies in estuaries – Application to the transitional systems of the EU Water Framework Directive. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,
In Press. |
J.G.Ferreira, W.J.Wolff, T.C.Simas, S.B.Bricker, 2005. Does biodiversity of estuarine phytoplankton depend on hydrology?
Ecological Modelling, 187(4) 513-523. |
A.M.Nobre, J.G.Ferreira, A.Newton, T.Simas, J.D.Icely, R.Neves, 2005.
Management of coastal
eutrophication: Integration of field data, ecosystem-scale simulations and screening models.
Journal of Marine Systems, 56 (3/4), 375-390. |
Newton, A., Icely, J.D., Falcão, M., Nobre, A., Nunes, J.P., Ferreira,
J.G., Vale, C., 2003. Evaluation of Eutrophication in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal.
Continental Shelf Research, 23, 1945-1961. |
Tett, P., Gilpin, L., Svendsen, H., Erlandsson, C.P., Larsson, U.,
Kratzer, S., Fouilland, E., Janzen, C., Lee, J., Grenz, C., Newton, A., Ferreira,
J.G., Fernandes, T., Scory, S., 2003. Eutrophication and some European waters of restricted
exchange. Continental Shelf Research, 23, 1635-1671. |
Bricker, S.B., J.G. Ferreira, T. Simas. An Integrated Methodology for Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status. Ecological
Modelling, 169(1), 39-60. |
Alvera-Azcarate, A., Ferreira, J.G., & Nunes, J.P., 2003.
Modelling eutrophication in mesotidal and macrotidal estuaries. The role of intertidal seaweeds. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science, 57(4), 715-724. |
Nunes, J.P, Ferreira, J.G., Gazeau, F.,
J., Zhang, X.L, Zhu M.Y. & Fang J.G., 2003. A model for
sustainable management of shellfish polyculture in coastal bays. Aquaculture,
219/1-4, 257-277.
Macedo, M. F., Duarte, P., Ferreira, J. G., 2002.
The influence of incubation periods on photosynthesis-irradiance curves. J.
Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. vol 274/2, 99-118.
Simas, T., Ribeiro, A.P. & Ferreira, J.G., 2001. SHRIMP
- A dynamic model of heavy metal uptake in aquatic macrofauna. Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry, 20, Nº 11 - 2649-2656. |
Macedo, M.F., Duarte, P., Mendes
P., and J.G. Ferreira, 2001.
Annual variation of environmental variables, phytoplankton species composition
and photosynthetic parameters in a coastal lagoon. Journal of Plankton
Research. Vol. 23 No. 7, 719 - 732
Simas, T., Nunes, J.P. & Ferreira, J.G., 2001. Effects
of global climate change on coastal salt marshes. Ecological Modelling. 139
(1), 1-15.
Macedo, M. F., Duarte, P., Ferreira, J. G., Alves,
M. &Valentina
C., 2000. Analysis of the deep chlorophyll maximum across the Azores Front.
Hydrobiologia, 441 (1/3), 155-172.
Ferreira, J.G., 2000. Development of an estuarine quality index based on key physical and biogeochemical features.
Ocean & Coastal Management, 43/1, 99-122. |
Monvoisin, G., Bolito, C. & Ferreira, J.G., 1999. Fish dynamics in a coastal food chain, simulation and analysis.
Oceanography of the Iberian Continental Margin. Boletin Instituto Español de
Oceanografía Nº15 (1-4). 431-440. |
Macedo, M.F., Ferreira, J.G. and Duarte, P., 1998. Dynamic behaviour of photosynthesis-irradiance curves
determined from oxygen production during variable incubation periods. Mar. Ecol.
Prog. Series, 165, 31-43. |
Ferreira, J.G., Duarte, P. and Ball, B., 1998. Trophic Capacity of Carlingford Lough for Aquaculture - Analysis by
Ecological Modelling. Aquatic Ecology Vol. 31, 4, 361-378. |
Bacher, C., Duarte, P., Ferreira, J.G., Héral, M. and
Raillard, O., 1998. Assessment and comparison of the of the
Marennes-Oléron Bay (France) and Carlingford Lough (Ireland) carrying capacity with ecosystem models. Aquatic
Ecology Vol. 31, 4, 379-394. |
M.L. Carvalho, J. G. Ferreira, P. Amorim, M.I.M. Marques and
M.T. Ramos, 1997. Study of heavy metals and other
elements in macrophyte algae using energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,
Vol. 16, N. 4, 807-812. |
Duarte, P. & Ferreira, J.G., 1997. Dynamic modelling of photosynthesis in marine and estuarine ecosystems.
Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 2, 83-93. |
Duarte, P. and Ferreira, J.G., 1997. A model for the simulation of macroalgal population dynamics and productivity.
Ecological Modelling, 98, 199-214. |
Duarte, P. and Ferreira, J.G., 1995. Seasonal adaptation and short-term metabolic responses of macroalgae to varying
light and temperature. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series, 121, 289-300. |
Ferreira, J.G., 1995. EcoWin - An object-oriented ecological model for aquatic
ecosystems. Ecol. Modelling, 79,
21-34. |