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If you would like to do some research in ecological modelling of marine systems or some of the other work we do, we are looking for people who have the following profiles:

  • EU national;
  • M.Sc. or Ph.D. completed or in final stage of completion in biological or environmental subject areas, focusing on aquatic systems;
  • Experience in OOP, preferably in C++ (but Delphi, smalltalk etc. acceptable);
  • Experience in ecological modelling;

If you would like to work in Portugal for a 1 year to 2 year period, and have experience in the areas described above, please send Joćo Gomes Ferreira a 2 page C.V. (maximum), indicating relevant educational and career information.



ASLO/TOS 2004 Ocean REsearch Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 15-20 2004.